You can’t grow in the environment you got sick in!! How true is that? Or, does it even make sense for any of us?
Feeling the blues once in a while is a part of life.
There are certain situations in our lives, whether it be because of a financial issue or relationship problems, where we feel lost.
Although it is not talked about widely in our society, mental health is equally important for our well-being as physical health (if not more).
There are times when we begin to blame our life and our choices.
Whatever the case might be, the reality is that overcoming obstacles is crucial.
By doing so, we become the best versions of ourselves or at least grow from what we were before. It just takes us out of our comfort zone and pushes us to situations where we learn to deal with something new.
Each Human Deserves the Best
However, there is a catch when it comes to fighting the battles within your own head.
You CANNOT grow from your current state of being in the very place you got sick in. You can’t grow in the environment you got sick in.
The Build-Up (How It Grows Slowly and Creates a Permanent Home There)
Before answering the why, we need to understand what brings us into a sickening situation in the first place.
Whether it be consciously or unconsciously, we always settle in a place where we experience our darkest times.
Let’s take an example of moving out of your hometown to a new city for a job or education.
- Beginnings are always fun because we are curious, nervous, and hopeful for the future. However, as the time elapses, there are certain things that start going wrong.
- Slowly snowball effect sets in motion, and these merely nuisances turn into huge unavoidable problems.
- Yet we still manage to push through, but the halt in our lives comes when these problems get to our minds.
- Once we get into the loophole of thinking that our life is going downhill, it definitely starts turning crappy.
And as soon as this starts happening, the door of our conscious is knocked by the well-known culprits of the mind; depression, anxiety, and chronic stress.
This is when the term “sick” really begins to make sense despite everything else in life becoming senseless.
Then, even the brightest days appear dark, and the most joyous moments seem bleak. Although it may appear as if the negativity is never-ending, this period is crucial in everyone’s life.
It builds a person’s character and allows us to experience our greatest fears at once. So that we can be stronger for the future.
But Why You Can’t Grow in the Environment You ONCE Got Sick In)…
Because of our association with the place. Presently, it is scientifically proven that places and objects become charged with energies as we use them.
Therefore, once we live in a place where we are negative all the time, it becomes negatively charged, thus creating a depressing cycle. Even if we encounter a positive event in our life, we aren’t able to shake off the negative feelings because of the residual energies.
Similar to how we become excessively cautious on a road where we once got involved in an accident.
Therefore, it becomes essential that we escape from the place we got sick in.
Traveling to a new place after experiencing dark times, brings new opportunities; however, with an understanding of dos and don’ts.
So, that’s that!! We need to get out of the place where we once got sick in. That’s the way you take your first step to change, betterment, and growth. You can’t grow in the environment you got sick in, you just need to move out, accept what happened, and look for that purpose in life, which you are here for.
Watch it NOW!
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