Love Making Tips! Does that really work, you must ask.
Yes, it works, if you take the initiative, work hard for it, and do everything that makes your partner happy!
Loving and being loved is a wonderful feeling!

When you both try hard to make your relationship work; it does!
However, we must do something, as lovers, to maintain the love and the spark.
It will take both of you to realize this, and that is why we have couples. Love making is not all about having sex alone; it also calls upon spicing up those golden moments.
Love Making Tips – How to Spice Up Your Relationship?
Taking your time to make sure that you enjoy having your love partner around you and they are also enjoying spending time with you.
It also takes more than a mile or mere words ‘I love you baby’ to emphasize the hidden treasure in love. Love is a mystery chest, and that is why me have made it my personal mission to help you unfold its mysterious adventures.
Make sure you both prove your love for each other endlessly, and you don’t have to say it, as action speaks louder than words. I am going to give you some love making tips on how to spice up the loving moments with your partner.
1. Talk About Good Old Memories
It is quite obvious that since the day you fell in love with your partner, you have spent several moments together. Majority of those moments were spent romantically, and you really enjoyed them.

Share Golden Flashbacks Together
It is usually advisable for two people in love to remind each other of those earlier moments and try to talk them overall again. They will always create a vivid picture of the crazy things that you both did, and obviously, see the reason why you both are still together.
When you are seated on the couch or back lying on the bed, you will laugh at the stupid things that one of you did. Slowly and before you even realize it, you will draw closer and closer to each other and commence to recreate those sexy and quality moments.
2. Massaging- The Right Way!
Hey, don’t let your spouse or you lover pay for massage services in a massage parlor when you can simply do it at your house. The good thing about home massages at home is that you will be creating a sexy and romantic environment for both of you.
Give your partner the massage, and they will do it to you too. Do not underestimate the power of a sexy touch from someone you love.

Massages, cuddling always works
Massaging your other half will also maintain a physical connection between you and your partner. Both of you should engage in this activity regularly. After work or after doing a tiring activity, do massage each other.
A sensual massage is the least you can do to spice up any moment and take it to another level after that. Create a conducive environment.
Tips to Make your Relationship Better
- Put off the regular lights and light up scented candles
- Tune in some relaxing music
- Turn on the Fan or Air conditioner
- Use some oil or powder, maybe what your partners love
- Take your time, no rush.
After the massage, you will not only be more bonded to your spouse; you will relax as well.
3. Do Chores for Each Other
For you to make love with your spouse, there should be extra love and time, of course.
If you happen to notice that maybe your wife doesn’t like cleaning the dishes or cleaning the house and she is not comfortable when the house is not neat, do something for her.

Always find ways to help each other
Help cleaning the house or washing the dishes to make your partner feel better. As you do it together, you will both find it fun, and you will do it quickly. This will also show your spouse how caring and considerate you are towards them.
4. Crazy Dares
One of the other coolest activities for couples to spice up the moment they spend together is challenging each other to do something new.
It is very exciting and makes love life fun.
Also a perfect opportunity for new lovers to get to know each other. If you want to add more sugar to the honey, you can ask a couple of your crazy couple friends to spin the bottle and let the fun kick-off with you.
Some of the exciting questions that lovers can ask each other are:
- Who will you choose if you want a threesome with your partner and a third person?
- Which is the best thing about your partner you love the most during sexual intercourse?
- Explain about your deep sexual fantasies, in detail?
Some CRAZY DARES include:
- Act as a slave of your partner for one minute.
- Have a topless hug with your partner.
- Ask your other Half to talk the dirtiest they can.
- Imitate the best erotic act of your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend.
5. Declare Your Love Publicly
Love is not just about feeling it inside. It also calls upon saying it loud to the public either and letting the world know that you love each other. This really boosts the sense of belonging of your spouse.
Hold their hands as you walk on the road, introduce her/him to your friend and family as your lady or man, put a ring in her finger, and kiss her in public.
Since social media is the perfect way to show the world that your love your partner, don’t hesitate to post your photos together in your social media platforms.
The psychologist also says that declaring your love for your spouse make them want to love you more and continue doing so. This will definitely spice up the moments you spend together with no doubt.
6. Engage In Friendly and Romantic Fights and Challenges
Pillow fights and water gun fights are the kinds I am talking about. You both can decide during a holiday or weekends to go out somewhere or can still do it in your house to engage in romantic challenges.
Make sure you do your best to win! But at some point, if you notice that your partner is getting bored, you might let them win intentionally for the activity to look fair and fun.
It will be a moment you should treasure and make the best out of it. Love making by holding each other, occasionally kissing when you win or lose, just make it as interactive as possible.
These love making tips are surely going to help!
7. Look New Every Morning
Every morning when you wake up, prepare and groom yourself, make it personal to impress your spouse with a new look and a new taste of you every single day.
Let it seem as if it is the first encounter every time they set their eyes upon you. Let them feel the happiness and spark as they see your face glowing.
Make them find a new reason to love you every other day. Put on sexy clothing, new make-up, and apply your spouse’s favorite cologne.
Another imperative thing is color. Pick a color that your lover likes to show them that you appreciate their interests.
8. Satisfy the Five Senses
Love making tips focuses on and involves the five senses.
You must be creative to imply the five senses.
Wear something appealing to the eye of your spouse as I have discussed above. This will draw both of you closer. Utter sweet words to their ears, sing sweet romantic music dedicating to them, and always say how much you love them.
This will motivate them to love you back. Give them a touch that makes them want to touch you back. Do it passionately!
Massage their back, their lips, touch every part of their body, and romance them, take it to all new level of romance and love.
It will jumpstart every nerve in their body. Cook sweet and delicious meals to leave them salivating every time they taste it. Smell nice every time, bathe to stay fresh.
Don’t drive your partner away because of the little stink from sweating the whole day. Apply good smelling perfume and cologne. This aroma will always trigger the urge for orgasm.
9. Go For Road Trips and Nights Out
Another one of the most important love making tips also involves creating some quality time. Stick out of the usual schedule, routine and the daily environment.
Road trips are a good opportunity for a couple to do all kinds of crazy things together. Things like making out in a hotel, which is known to be very romantic, as per many couples.
It is because they need a change of environment.
Other daring couples go to an extra mile and do it in their cars. You can explore new areas together, spend nights in different cities hence creating new environments and renewing your appetite for each other.
Also, you should go for dates. For instance candle-lit-dinner dates.
Also, night clubs or parties are also places you can attend.

Travel more for quality moments
Dance together and have fun. There is always a good opportunity to express your feelings and get intimate in parties. Spice up your moments with a kiss and tight cuddles.
This is one of those love making tips that always works; try it!
The Final Words
In conclusion, these love making tips can help spice up your relationship with your spouse. It is going to help you call upon both the emotional and physical energy of your partner.

Dance more, fight less; love and live every moment
So, wait no more, life is short, and there is a lot you have to do to make your partner happy!!!

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