Warning: ASMRs has gone way too far- it is not mind-soothing anymore!

ASMR- Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
ASMRers- People who Record Videos doing ASMR
There are some creepy food ASMRers eat.
Coined 10 years ago, ASMR aka, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response has something do with the relaxation. Watching ASMR, you can feel a soporific sensation- starting from the top of your head that flows down your body.

ASMRers trigger brain massage by giving people a glimpse and sounds of crackles or whispers, sometimes crackles too. These mind soothing videos are trending on YouTube, and some of us don’t even know why exactly.
They have gone level down to calm the mind, it seems. With the creepiest stuff on the plates, we are nauseated, though. STOP eating that scaring stuff now!
This is one of the most famous creepy food ASMRers eat.
10. Steamed Sand Iguana
Who doesn’t know about sand Iguana- 13 to 16 inches long, long tail, and round body- changes color to hide around the bush and rock in the deserts. It survives eating flowers, buds, and sometimes fruit. Once in a blue moon, expect it to feed on insects. ‘
Besides surviving in the deserts, nowadays, you can find it on the plates of ASMRers as well. Yes, they are roasting it, dipping in chili sauce, and creating nasty crunchy sounds, which is believed to soothe the human mind. CREEPY!
9. Bats
Only mammals that can fly- credit goes to their thin wings! However, these mammals are not great on the land; it seems. Why? ASMRers are loving it in their kitchens. Some are eating it alive, while some others prefer killing it before turning it into a delicious soup to slurp it in front of their cameras.

The audience loves watching such content, and then suffer later when diagnosed with certain unknown diseases. Bats are popular among ASMRers these days!
8. Moving Bloodsucking Leeches
Many have developed a sinister reputation about them; however, ASMRers have skills to beat that reputation. We have been utilizing these blood-sucking creatures for beauty therapies, predict the weather, and medicines.
ASMRers have jumped into the list too.
These creatures can feed for hours. The fact that it can consume approximately five times its weight in the blood is what fascinated ASMRers to eat it.

They have been cutting these moving bloodsucking leeches on the table, coloring the tables red, eating everything left, and giving us a dirty experience for a lifetime.
Having said that, it would be better to call humans the new bloodsuckers!
Who can see this creepy food that people eat on ASMR?
7. Steamed Turtle
Magnificent creatures that can survive in different surroundings belong to a group of reptiles called Testudines. Who thought this one of the oldest reptiles group would be steamed and served in this century.
It dates back to the time of dinosaurs! Just imagine it survived to date just to be steamed and served on the plates of ASMRers and many.

According to the IUCN, 129 of the approx. 300 species of these reptiles are endangered or either vulnerable. (Can’t decide whether that’s good news or a bad though). The illegal pet trade or steaming them for gratification are the possible threats to the reptiles.
We can’t see this creepy food ASMRers eat.
6. Live Cuttlefish
Color-blind, though, yet can see contrasts in light. Thanks to polarization! Quite quirky, big dark eyes with a W-shaped pupil, they have a shell on the inside called Cuttlebone.
So what was the need to bring this beautiful three-hearted fish on the plate? Well, they wanted us to calm ourselves as they leave us watching the greenish-blue blood flowing on the table after they cut it and leave it there to struggle for a breath, and create some cranky noises that give us all the pleasure in the world.
How else would our minds have experienced serenity, if this beguiling fish was not lying half-dead on the table?
5. Raw Pork Tongue
ASMRers even give you a sickening glimpse of how a raw tongue looks and sounds. They say it has 9% Thiamin, 8% Niacin, 8% Riboflavin, and 13% Vitamin B12 besides being rich in phosphorous, magnesium, and zinc.

The sights of raw pork tongue are disturbing. Can a bloody tongue in our hand really make someone’s mind tranquil?
4. Roasted Rat
Ugghhh… another in the list is roasted rats. Nobody could resist but toss their cookies after they experience the scary sights of those ratheads going into the mouth.
Unless you have one at your home (as a pet), it isn’t liked or seen as a favorite animal. Many cringe only at the thought of this animal wandering around.

While some countries worship them, others choose to roast them. According to the CDC, rats can spread more than 35 diseases.
Maybe it was the fact that this creature is a prolific breeder and can start reproducing just after 3 to 4 months of their birth that brought them to the ASMRers table. Quick reproduction equals more ASMR videos.
Fact- Rats can laugh! They really will, once you know that you have in your gut an animal that can spread almost 35 diseases.
This is yet another creepy food ASMRers eat.
3. Roasted Cat
Their freakish potential to pounce on anyone, in no lights, is purely not any coincidence. The tapetum lucidum or a reflective layer at the back of the eye helps in collecting available light. It further allows them to process the image in the dark.
Besides being so attentive in the dark, these creatures failed to beat ASMRers.

Cats have an incredible sense of smell, and even that didn’t help them smell the uncanny intentions of humans when they chose to roast their pets.
All these cats are doing these days is getting roasted to create crunchy sounds that still mind.
2. Alive Geoduck
Pronounced ‘Gooey Duck,’ weird-looking, strange, and happiest underground- ASMRs certainly has no limits, it seems, as they have found ways to get it on their plates as well. Geoducks are started by pouring boiling water on, and during the process, It releases its water too, that sounds like a human fart. Poor Geoduck!

Later, they pull out the skin, and then it becomes ready to eat. It may sound crunchy, but that’s anyway a disgusting way to soothe our minds. We can opt for tons of other options to calm ourselves, can’t we?
1. Duck Embryo
Nauseating! Watchers of such content may vomit, too, as the scenes are so traumatizing. They don’t hesitate to display a developing egg embryo, eaten boiled from the shell. One of the main street foods that can be tasted in the Philippines too now has reached the plates of numerous YouTubers.
What’s shown in one of those ASMRs was partially shelled balut egg that showed yolk. Though veins and almost all of the underdeveloped duck was pretty visible, it is of dire importance to show how gulping that down sounded.

ASMRers go a bundle on the egg juice that generally wraps the embryo. They start with slurping down the juice first and then pull the embryo out to cut it into pieces before eating. Or, sometimes even cutting skips the process, the baby duck head goes right under their teeth.
Oh, not to forget the slurping sounds of the juice and embryo eating together makes a perfect combination for us to calm our mind.
That’s some creepy food ASMRers eat.
It’s time you put your mind to rest, ASMRers. Live and let live!

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