Easy Sarvangasana Guide for a Healthier Mind, Body, and Soul – This guide is easy-to-understand and follow to keep yourself in a healthy state overall.
Let’s start with understanding the meaning.
What is Sarvangasana?
Sarvangasana is commonly known as shoulder stand in English. It is an intermediate-level posture that is inverted in type. The posture includes complete body balance over shoulders.

Easy Sarvangasana Guide
Pronunciation of Sarvangasana
- Sarv-ang-asana , the posture that originated in the medieval period.
- Sarva means all, Anga means Limbs and Asana is Posture.
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The Asana – Sarvangasana
Sarvangasana is a yoga posture which is also known as Salamba Sarvangasana or supported shoulder stand.
The asana with its extravagant benefits is known as the “queen” or “mother” of all asanas. Sarvangasana is the advanced or modern name of same inverted poses which were evident in medieval hatha yoga as a mudra, Viparita Karani, documented in the 14th century Siva Samhita, in the 15th century as Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and in the 17th century as Gheranda Samhita.
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The succinct description of this asana is a posture where the body is uplifted from the shoulder onwards, with the back being supported by hands. The legs finally appear completely uplifted from the base.
One needs core strength to lift the legs.
Some prerequisites would ensure the building of core strength and would make this article an easy Sarvangasana guide.
- By increasing stamina and strength through standing postures.
- To intend to go for Sarvangasana easily, it is suggested to practice postures like the virabhadrasana.
- Navasana is also helpful in toning the abdominal muscles to withstand the legs up.
- Balancing the body on the shoulder is most important and strengthening the shoulder muscles can be done through Surya Namaskara or sun salutation.
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Steps of Sarvangasana
You will be delighted to receive this easy Sarvangasana guide as it has complete steps to a perfectly postured Sarvangasana.
- Lie flat on the ground, every part of the body relied on the ground. The palms should face the floor.
- Take a few deep breaths.
- While exhaling, bend the knees and slowly move the legs towards the stomach with an intent to lift the legs.
- As the thighs come in contact with the stomach, start raising the hips from the floor and continue exhaling. Take the support of the arms by bending the elbows and take two breaths.
- Now, slowly while exhaling, raise the trunk upwards at 90 degrees with the support of the hands.
- Continue the process until the chin touches the chest.
- At this stage, the back of the neck, the shoulders, and the back of the arms excluding the part below the elbows should touch the floor, the rest of the body should be uplifted. Take two breaths again.
- Keep exhaling and stretch the legs and make the toes pointed.
- Withstand the position for at least 1 minute and the period can be extended to 5 minutes.
- Now gradually release while exhaling and lie flat on the ground.
This was an easy guide to learn Sarvangasana, with practice one can go to the advanced level by lifting the legs without folding them towards the stomach.
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Variations of Sarvangasana
The asana possesses various variations also.
It can also be done by keeping the listed leg in a lotus position. Another way is Supta Konasana with legs wide apart. In this easy Sarvangasana guide let us look into some more variations. This has emerged from Halasana (plough), ear pressing pose called Karnapidasana, or even sideways plough. It can also be performed on a strong pinned chair to the ground, by supporting the hips on the chair and the neck above the pillow on the ground. There is an unsupported shoulder stand known as Niralamba Sarvangasana where the arms are also completely above the ground.
Benefits of Sarvangasana
In this easy Sarvangasana guide, we’ve mentioned the fact of Sarvangasana, also known as the “queen of all the asanas”.
This posture is the best alternative to a headstand as well.
Let us look into the benefits it holds:-
1. Beneficial for Hormone Secretion
The asana regulates the proper functioning of the endocrine system. It releases hormones that control metabolism and outweighs the possibility of thyroid issues. Also works in activating glands through the blood supply and enriching the glands with nutrients. It all happens when we press the chin towards the chest.
2. Improves Blood Circulation
Turning the body upside down is essential to ensure blood circulation. Several venous diseases arise when the blood is unable to reach the heart from the toes as we are always under gravity. The Sarvangasana ensures the carriage of blood through the veins to reach the heart. It greatly influences the process of oxygenation of blood.
3. Boosts the Immunity
The immune system gets the stimulus to function to work more efficiently through Sarvangasana, the inverted position. So, in case you were facing any issues related to immunity or wanted to boost it, this asana is certainly going to help you in the best possible manner.
4. Improves Brain Functioning
It puts a direct and positive impact on concentration, memory, and awareness. It works for the nourishment of the brain, which means if you wish to improve your memory or concentration power to focus completely on what you do, trying this asana will certainly help a lot. Just do it and be consistent with practicing this asana for witnessing some amazing results in the long run.
An Easy Sarvangasana Guide for Beginners
In case, you are a newbie to doing this asana, here is what you need to do.
A brilliant idea to start is to take the help of a wall. One can press the feet onto a wall which enhances the chances to move upwards by taking up some weight off the shoulders. Be sure to keep some distance from the wall. This is how beginners can learn to withstand and slowly attain core strength. Initially, one must bend the knees and press the wall through the feet. Here the hips face the wall. Further one can place the head in front of the wall and stretch the legs towards the wall and press through feet without folding the knees. Gradually, the steps would enable the practitioner to achieve a proper Sarvangasana posture.
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Precautions While Doing Sarvangasana
There are certain things you need to keep in mind while doing this pose, especially if you are a beginner.
- People having high blood pressure should not do Sarvangasana.
- Do not attempt in a hurry.
- Take great care of the postures.
- Initially, withstand for 20 seconds and then increase the time duration up to 5 minutes.
- Do not do it if one is having neck or shoulder pain.
- Not recommended for aged people, until and unless done under supervision.
Try this asana, it can do wonders to your mind, body, and soul!
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