Why The Hell Everyone Looks ‘So Perfect’ on Instagram?
It is highly unlikely that you’d not be using Instagram in present times.
With all the companies providing their Instagram accounts, and celebrities posting their daily lives on this platform, it is a rare event when someone is not using Instagram.
Therefore, chances are you are looking at random people on Instagram, even when you don’t want to, thanks to the algorithm and advertisements.
Have You Ever Wondered How ‘Perfect’ We Look on This Social Media Application called Instagram?
If you did, you are not alone.
Millions of people each day think the same thing, and it is not surprising to know that a majority of people begin to compare themselves with others.
Obviously, this leads to self-doubt and a feeling of inferiority.
But this begs the question.
Why does everyone look so perfect on Instagram? Why The Hell Everyone Looks ‘So Perfect’ on Instagram?
1. Only Showing the Results!!
One reason why everyone ( and everything) looks so perfect on Instagram is that it has become a place to showcase each individual’s greatest aspects. Take going to a restaurant for example. You take tons of pictures of your food, adjust the lighting, change the location of the plates, and more.
Then you will carefully select one image from these hundreds of pictures, which usually takes an hour at the very least, and only then, upload it to the internet.
People will obviously love that picture because they have no idea how many photographs you had to take before posting the ‘Perfect’ one.
Additionally, they wouldn’t know your commute to the place, the amount of time it took for the food to arrive, or if the food tasted any good.
You might as well, upload the picture, come back home, and eat Maggie. No one would know anyway.
While it may be a little exaggerating; however, this is exactly why everyone looks so perfect on Instagram.
Selecting that perfect image to upload from hundreds of pictures while not showing the amount of effort it required to take those pictures just for a social media account.
Although it may seem a little too much, that is how these perfect images are produced.
2. Filters Make Your Flawless
Filters play a huge role in creating a false sense of a perfect face.
What is an Instagram filter you ask?
Well, it is basically a tool that allows you to edit your face in real-time to look phenomenal. With our technology advancing rapidly, filters to artificially create a ‘beautiful’ look have become as simple as swiping to the right on your screen.
You have tons of filters to select from that not only make you look pretty but also adjust the colors in the background.
Experiencing pimples? Use filters to cover them up. Bad make-up? Filters to the rescue once again.
Hence, all your faults are literally covered. And, that makes you feel better about yourself somehow. When you post such flawless pictures and get likes in return from strangers, you feel good about yourself.
3. A False Reality That Hooks You
At the end of the day, Instagram is nothing but a tool that helps us to connect with others and see their life; however, posting the best parts of our life has become a norm.
Undoubtedly, people do not want to show their struggle. Hence, creating a false reality of perfection.
With a system that only portrays a fraction of someone’s life, and that too is seen every day.
It is inevitable that after some time, you will ask yourself, “Why does everyone look so perfect on Instagram?”
It is because of the fabrication of lies.
4. We are All Looking for Validation
Aren’t we just looking for the validation? People feel lonely, they don’t have anyone to talk to, and they are constantly looking for some sort of validation that keeps them contented and happy. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves. And, when we post on Instagram, we get validation in form of likes, comments, and followers.
Validation is the desire to have someone else’s approval or agreement with what you say, believe, or do. Humans are naturally social creatures. We thrive in a community and, therefore, have a strong desire to belong in that community and seek validation from it.11
Hence, Instagram-like apps calm our curiosity for getting validation, attention, and a good feeling about ourselves.
So, we get the point now, right like why the hell everyone looks so perfect on Instagram? What’s hooking us, and how does it make us feel about ourselves. and why the hell does everything look perfect on Instagram. It’s all about stopping for a while and realizing this fact rather than being addicted to such apps.
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Inglês Foco
3 years agoAmazing post! We need to remember how we use social media has the potential to shape the effects on our day-to-day happiness.