They will get crazy INSANE when you understand your worth, value, and how important you are to yourself and to a few people who love you.
Why they get mad is because you don’t say yes to everything they say now. You even choose to say NO when it is important. You just started to use your voice for yourself and that’s what pisses them off.
But. hey. there’s nothing wrong with you!!
Indeed, you are on the right path to discover the better you – who is free, independent, and dares to speak for yourself.
Also, you are not OKAY settling for the bit and pieces, which you used to do earlier.
With that wide and active conscious, you can now decide who is in your life just to take your advantage, and who is trying to be your rock-solid back when you need them.
Simply put, you now know how to protect yourself from the worst!!!
When they MISS the OLD Version of YOU!!!
That’s not all, they even miss the old you, who used to listen to every advice of them. Right from saying yes when they want, to agree to all their Nos; they feel the lack of it.
They feel the absence of someone who doesn’t obey them – and that’s what creates the madness in them. They lack the damn nasty manipulation, using which they ruled you once.
What they even miss is your presence as and when they wanted. Of course, you forgot your dreams, passion, desires, and whatnot for putting them on top of your priority list. Since they got used to it, they believed it would last almost forever.
Trust Me, This NEW YOU is Not Wrong At All
Congratulations! You finally understood your worth. Now you choose to keep yourself, your actual priorities on top. Irrespective of what people perceive of you, you are ready to shine through.
You too might have many people trying to put you down, drag you to hell, or put you in an environment that brings out the worse of you.
But, you are here – better, free, and beautiful than ever before!!!
Your journey will still have many such people, who will belittle you every now and then. But, hey, now you know that won’t stop you from being yourself, achieving your dreams, or leading a happy & peaceful life that you always wanted.
So, hey you lovely being reading this blog, I hope you are as free, as beautiful. and as happy as you are meant to be!!
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