No One’s going to remember you forever – And, that hit hard when you realize or accept the fact!
Isn’t it true that we live our lives surrounded by so many people?
You do miss them a great deal when they are far away. It is a typical human emotion ingrained in our minds for a long time. However, we cannot say it is the whole picture. The mere statement that no one will remember you forever holds so much truth. It shows that expecting to be remembered forever is impossible until your actions speak louder.
You will be in the hidden memories of your loved ones or the people you came across. But when you aren’t there anymore, they might recall that they knew a person with your name. But can you guarantee that they will remember everything about you? No, they won’t. What they will remember is your actions, provided they are significant.
It’s been ages since Shakespeare and Hitler died. But we remember them only for their actions that have been recorded. Had there been no play by Shakespeare or mention of Adolf Hitler in history books, no one in the world would have remembered them. So, it is evident that no one’s going to remember you forever.
Why Can’t You Remember Someone Forever?
Many people often ask why no one’s going to remember you forever. There are now two explanations for this answer. First, science says that neurons meant to remember someone can only preserve the memories powerfully for 21 days. If there is no interaction with that person within this time or our senses fail to detect the concerned person, the neurons become inactive. Medically speaking, it is, therefore, impossible to always remember someone.
We become accustomed to being around particular people, which makes sense. We become dependent on them. But when they leave us, we have to let go of that addiction, which makes it difficult for us to remember that person. Memories are merely a product of our capacity for learning and knowledge. They start to fade as your mind stops thinking about the events and the people involved in those memories.
Is Remembering Different from Knowing Someone Forever?
There is a notable difference between knowing and remembering someone forever. Take the example of Queen Elizabeth II, who died last year in 2022. We all know her as the longest-living monarch in Europe and the entire world. Our upcoming generations will know her actions, contributions to the British monarchy, speeches, and so on. It is because there are hundreds of sources through which our upcoming generations can get to know her.
But will we remember her forever? No, that’s not possible!
Throughout our lives, we won’t recall her. People living in Britain and her family members have become habituated to not having her around. So, the way our memory functions is entirely dependent on our habits. People get to know one another through the written works and accounts of others. But remembering someone out of the blue is not possible.
Hence, no one’s going to remember you forever is nothing but a fact that we’ll have to realize rn!
Can Human Actions Make Someone Unforgettable?
Yes, there are ways to engage in activities that have a lasting impact on the world or the lives of a select few. It can be a book written that became quite popular, a song sung by some famous singer, and so on. However, these deeds will only be remembered because there will be tangible traces of them. You won’t recognise the physical gestures, the way of talking, and so on if there is no evidence of the same.
So, the phrase no one’s going to remember you forever still holds maximum truth, which is why crying over someone or spending your days doing nothing but trying to keep someone present in your memories is useless. Your brain is going to forget that person. Instead of doing that, focus on your present and live the time because that’s what makes the difference.
Also Read: Who is Kaustubh Chaturvedi? You have seen him, but here’s everything about him.
Summing Up, I can Say that:
It is entirely true that no one will remember you forever. Scientifically and logically, this statement is justified. If we talk about the emotional side, your mind will recollect the events for a couple of weeks, months, or years at the most. But it is never going to be forever!
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