Introvert Extrovert or Ambivert: You’re All Three!
In present times, creating your unique identity has become essential. Heck, even the internet demands unique usernames.
In addition to that, since the dawn of humanity, people have had a constant urge to fit in. In the past, being associated with a certain group meant your chances of survival were increased.
Thankfully, we are past that phase, yet the idea to mix in persists.
And once you combine these two aspects, the idea to identify yourself with a certain personality type starts to make sense.
So, What Exactly is a Personality Type?
It is a psychological concept that states each person predominantly portrays specific personality traits.
This includes behavioral aspects as well.
According to experts, various personality traits depend on a person’s upbringing and thought process.
Although famous tests such as Myers–Briggs Type Indicator distinguish 16 traits, a large number of people are familiar with 3 types.
What are These 3 Types?
These are:
- Introversion
- Extroversion
- Ambiversion
Of course, people exhibiting these traits are labeled as introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts.
Introverts can simply be categorized as shy individuals. However, introverts are only shy as long as they are not comfortable with someone. One of the crucial traits of an introvert is that they require isolation or alone time to recharge their social energy. They quickly become exhausted after socializing at events such as parties.
Perhaps, one of the most abundant types of individuals out there. Extroverts are outspoken and love socializing. Contrary to introverts, extroverts feel drained if they don’t socialize with someone. These are usually the people that are present at afterparties.
As the name might suggest, an ambivert is someone who exhibits both introversion and extroversion. However, they maintain a balance. One can think of ambiverts as reserved extroverts or outspoken introverts.
All Three at Different Times
It may seem like these three are distinct people; however, these traits are portrayed by every individual, depending on various aspects, which are:
As humans are social animals, we thrive by socializing. Unsurprisingly, this influences our thought process, and more importantly, our personality types.
As briefly mentioned previously, introverts are only shy and reserved as long as they don’t get comfortable. Meaning, that once a person with dominant introversion is around their favorite person, they simply transition into an extrovert.
This has not only been observed casually but it has been scientifically tested. Therefore, the dynamic nature of people is exposed depending on specific factors.
Similarly, if an ambivert is placed in a group of people they don’t resonate with, they’ll exhibit traits of an introvert.
Life is uncertain, and as long as a person is alive, they will encounter varying situations.
Adapting to new situations has always been an essential skill that ensured our survival.
Despite humanity living in a significantly safer environment (for the most part), the idea to adapt for survival is imbued deep within our minds.
This also applies to our personality type.
For instance, an extrovert that cannot go without talking to someone for 10 seconds suddenly becomes quiet upon hearing some tragic news.
Likewise, an introvert that is reserved may suddenly drop their shyness when seeing someone in need of help.
Easily the most defining factor when it comes to personality types.
This is similar to how a person begins to speak a certain language and starts believing in a certain faith, simply because of how they were brought up.
Therefore upbringing of an individual coupled with experiences may result in one trait dominating their entire personality.
For instance, a person that grew up in a large family is automatically going to be an extrovert because of how much they needed to interact with other members.
However, certain events like failing an exam can turn an extrovert into an ambivert or even an introvert.
Therefore, personality types are dynamic and are subject to change depending on the mentioned factors. And, we must avoid attaching ourselves to just one.
- Ambivert: one whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert.
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