Enough of the time that I Lived in past & future – Peace is in Present!
Anywhere but present is comforting.
Which is why a majority of people prefer to dwell in their past that cannot be relived or look forward to a bright future that does not exist.
I am one of them.
I used to live in the past or thought of possible scenarios for the future for a long time.
Thankfully, I overcame this idiocracy, and I strongly urge that others do as well.
Why Do We Like to Dwell in the Past?
Past can never come back nor can we go back in the past, yet we love the idea of changing our past.
Don’t get me wrong, reminiscing about beautiful memories is one of the things that sets us humans apart from animals.
Moreover, our brain is designed to learn from the past mistakes and correct our actions accordingly; however, the problem arises when we begin to fix those mistakes in a timeline that does not exist anymore.
At least, that was the case with me. I fondly remember, I used to sit idle for hours, and do nothing but to think how I would have done something differently.
If it was not that, I would try to recreate past scenarios in my head with my present understanding, and surprisingly, it felt extremely comforting.
I felt I had done something right by imaginingimaging these impossible scenarios.
Why Do We Like to Think about the Future?
While the past helps us learn from our mistakes, the future allows us to act right from the get-go.
Future is the name of the hope that is shared mutually by each individual on this planet.
Just like we await the Sunawait Sun after a cold long night, similarly, we await a bright future after experiencing suffering; however, the reality is that future never arrives. I am glad I learned this.
Simply by creating scenarios in our heads, we comfort ourselves that something better than now will occur to us.
Just as much I was dwelling in the past, I was looking forward to the future as well during a dark time in my life, and I am certain there are millions like my past self, that think, the next day will be better.
But both fortunately and unfortunately, it is never how we imagine it.
Why I Started Living in the Present?
Because I have lived in past & future li’l way too much than I should have. And, present makes more sense to me now!
Before I describe why existing in the present is important, I would like to ask, for how long are you planning to live in the past/future?
Because as long as you are comfortable existing in that thought process, you will never want to break free but trust me, living in the present is the true way of living.
Just think about it, where else can you possibly exist but in the presentin present? Moreover, the present is the only constant in our lives.
Everything Exists (Here & Now) – Isn’t It?
Additionally, everything exists here and now. The concept of the past and future is not real, it is just a construct of our minds. Ironically, even if you think of those times, you’d still be doing it in the present.
Each action you take is in the present, and each consequence you face is in the present.
The moment that made me realize, or I should say I experienced the joy of the present, was during one of my struggling times.
As usual, I was absorbed in my thoughts of the past and future, when one of my friends suggested visiting a lake that was apparently quite popular, and it was quite huge.
At first, I didn’t find it intriguing because it was nothing but a lake; however, as soon as I sat down and started staring in the distance, something strange happened.
A wave of calmness washed over my burning thoughts. I felt alive. I was living in the moment.
That was the first time, I came face to face with the present. The realisation of what I was doing really hit hard that day.
Since then, I have invested a lot of time exploring different actions to stay in the present. And, of course, I have lived in past & future more than I should have. Hence, living in present.
Why was that Even Needed?
Very much!!
Because it allowed me to utilize my energy productivity, instead of exhausting it on the imaginary correction of the past and the planning for an uncertain future.
Additionally, living in the present made me realize just how much potential humans possess.
Lastly, living in the present brings you a serene joy that can never be matched with a hopeful expectation of the future or the unrecoverable past.
I have lived in past & future (too much), not anymore. Present is way more calmer, soothing, and real.
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